Webinar登壇 – ABBYY Timeline

Webinar – ABBYY Timeline


私の講演に続いて、ABBYY社のプロセスマイニングツールのTimelineの紹介、およびデモがあります。ABBYY Timelineは他のプロセスマイニングとは大きく異なるユーザーインターフェイスを持つユニークなツールです。ぜひご覧になってみてください。


— プロセスマイニングの基礎とABBYY Timeline紹介 —

コロナウィルスの大流行の後、新しい生活様式が求められる中、ワークスタイルの変革も急務となってきております。皆様が新たなワークスタイルを模索する上で、業務プロセスの見直しには欠かせないプロセスマイニングの基本、最新事情、プロセスマイニングツールでもあるABBYY Timelineの紹介を行います。

2020年7月17日(金)15:00 – 16:00 第一回 お申し込みはこちら
2020年8月19日(水)15:00 – 16:00 第二回 お申し込みはこちら


Value Proposition of Process Mining based on VPC (Value Proposition Canvas)



そこで、今回プロセスマイニングの価値を適切に伝えるために役立つ「VPC (Value Proposition Canvas)」の枠組みを使って考えてみましょう。

まず、VPC (Value Proposition Canvas)について説明します。VPCは、ビジネスモデルジェネレーションの方法論において紹介されているもので、顧客ニーズを明確化し、そのニーズを充足するための価値提案の方向性を検討するために役立つ枠組みです。



















   業務プロセスの改善、またDX、すなわちデジタルトランスフォーメーションの推進によってデジタルツイン(DTO: Digital Twin Organization)を実現すること














  規範モデル(to beモデル)との比較分析により、逸脱プロセスを容易に発見、改善できる












value proposition canvas - process mining



business model generation - process mining

Process Mining Business from the View Point of Business Model Generation

今回は、ビジネスモデルジェネレーション(Business Model Generation、以下BMG)の枠組みで、プロセスマイニングビジネスの構成要素をご説明しましょう。ここで、プロセスマイニングビジネスとは、プロセスマイニングツール、および関連サービスを提供する事業のことです。



1 CS (Customer Segments) - 顧客セグメント

2 CR (Customer Relationships) - 顧客との関係

3 CH (Channels) - チャネル(販売方法)

4 VP (Value Proposition) ー 価値提案

5 KA (Key Activities) - 主な活動

6 KR(Key Resources) - 主なリソース

7 KP (Key Partners) - キーパートナー

8 RS (Revenue Streams)  - 収入の流れ

9 CS (Cost Structure) - コスト構造




Business Model Canvas - Process Mining



1 CS (Customer Segments) - 顧客セグメント


また、実際の導入検討に関わる主な部署は、業務プロセス改善やDX推進の主体となることの多い経営管理部門や、BPRチームです。企業によっては、CoE(Center of Excellence)と呼ばれる専任部署を設置していることがありますが、CoEもまたプロセスマイニングを活用する担当部署となることが多いでしょう。

プロセスマイニングツールはITとしての側面もあるため、情報システム部門が担当部署となる場合もあり、キーパーソンはCIO(Chief Information Officer)です。

2 CR (Customer Relationships) - 顧客との関係




3 CH (Channels) - チャネル(販売方法)




4 VP (Value Proposition) ー 価値提案




5 KA (Key Activities) - 主な活動


6 KR(Key Resources) - 主なリソース




7 KP (Key Partners) - キーパートナー


8 RS (Revenue Streams)  - 収入の流れ



9 CS (Cost Structure) - コスト構造



プロセスマイニングビジネスはその先に、BPMS(Business Process Management System)やRPAの導入など広がりもあり、非常に有望な事業です。ぜひ貴社ならではのビジネスモデルを開発してみてください。


evolution of process mining

Process Mining Evolution – from Process Mining 1.0 to 2.0


プロセスマイニングとは、業務システムから抽出したイベントログデータに基づいて、現行業務プロセス(as isプロセス)を可視化し、非効率な手順やボトルネックなどを発見する「分析アプローチ」です。その目的は、業務プロセスの継続的改善にあります。多くの場合、大量のデータを扱うことから、ビッグデータ分析のひとつと言えます。またデータマイニングとも近い関係にあります。


記述的分析 – Descriptive Analytics


イベントログから現行プロセスを「プロセスフローチャート」の形で見える化する機能、すなわち「プロセス発見(Process Discovery)」で得られるものであり、プロセスマイニング分析の最も基本的な機能です。(したがって、この機能がないものはプロセスマイニングツールとは呼べません)

診断的分析 – Diagnostic Analysis


「なぜ、この箇所は想定より時間が掛かっていて非効率となっているのか」、「なぜ、ここで処理待ちが多く発生しているのか、すなわちボトルネックなのか」というなぜを追求します。「根本原因分析(Root Cause Analysis)」と呼ばれる深堀り分析です。

予測分析 – Predictive Analytics

予測分析では、現在仕掛中の未完了案件(Running Case)をリアルタイムに分析し、今後どうなりそうかを予測します。



処方分析 – Prescriptive Analytics





evolution of process mining


・予測的プロセス監視 – Predictive Process Monitoring

・処方的プロセス監視 – Prescriptive Process Monitoring

・自動プロセス改善 – Automated Process Improvement

なお、プロセスマイニング進化について詳しく調べたい方は、BPM、プロセスマイニングの専門家、Marlon Duma氏(エストニアTartu大学教授)の著作やスライドシェア資料、セッション動画をご参照ください。

プロセスマイニング事例: FREO

loan image

Concise report of process mining case: FREO – Process Mining Camp 2020



PMI(Process Mining Initiative)では、一部のセッションについて重要なポイントに絞った簡潔なレポートを提供いたします。なお、セッション動画は後日、Fluxicon社より一般公開されます。

FREO – 日々の業務改善にプロセスマイニングを活用


同社では、日々の業務管理(Operational Management)のため、BIツールのPower BIなどとともにプロセスマイニングツールを活用して、プロセス上の問題点を発見、継続的な改善を行っています。


1 ローンの申し込み(Loan Application) – ユーザー


2 ローンの提案(Loan Offer) – 顧客接点チーム


3 書類確認(Loan Validation) – 顧客確認チーム


4 ローン審査(Credit Approval)- ローン審査チーム


5 ローン契約(Contract)


FREOでは、上記の日常業務に関してKPI(Key Performance Indicator)を設定しています。KPIは、大きくは以下の5つのカテゴリーです。

1 品質(Quality)

 工程が一回で問題なく終了するか(First Time Right)

2 迅速性(Timeliness)


3 受け入れ能力と生産性(Capacity and Productivity)


4 費用と利益(Cost and Benefits)


5 顧客・従業員満足(Satisfaction)


















同社では、プロセスマイニングを単なる問題発見ツールとしてだけでなく、実際の業務プロセスが可視化できることで、関係するメンバーが「すごい(Sense of Excitement)」と思ってもらうこと、また、非効率性やボトルネックが一目瞭然となることから「すぐに改善しなければ(Sense of Urgency)」という気持ちを喚起できる仕掛け、すなわちプロセス改善を着手させ(Initiator)促進する(Katalysator)ことのできる有益なアプローチとして活用しています。

Seventh Day of Camp – Freo – Process Mining Camp 2020

プロセスマイニング事例: AIG

simulation image

Concise report of process mining case: AIG – Process Mining Camp 2020



PMI(Process Mining Initiative)では、一部のセッションについて重要なポイントに絞った簡潔なレポートを提供いたします。なお、セッション動画は後日、Fluxicon社より一般公開されます。

AIG (USA) – Process Wind Tunnel(プロセス風洞)で確実な改善効果を

グローバルに展開する保険会社、AIGでは様々な業務プロセス改善に取り組んでいます。特に、米国AIGの”Data-Driven Process Optimization”と呼ばれる部署では、プロセスマイニング、シミュレーション、BIを組み合わせることで改善成果を積み重ねています。

Data-Driven Process Optimization部署では、プロセス改善の一連の手順を「プロセス風洞(Process Wind Tunnel)」と呼んでいます。自動車や航空機、建築物などの設計においては、風洞に模型を置いて風の流れ等を測定する「風洞実験」を行います。同様に、プロセスの改善にあたって、シミュレーションによる改善成果の予測を行った上で改善施策に展開するという手順を踏んでいるのです。


1 データ収集(Data Collection)


2 現状分析(Current State Analysis)


3 未来状態設計(Future Sate Design)


4 実行



紙の場合には開封して中身をチェックし、スキャンするといった手作業があります。こうした手作業については動作調査(motion study)を行って平均処理時間など、シミュレーションに必要なパラメターとなる情報を収集しています。



Third Day of Camp – AIG – Process Mining Camp 2020

プロセスマイニング事例: Lufthansa Technik

airline engine maintenance

Concise report of process mining case: Lufthansa Technik – Process Mining Camp 2020



PMI(Process Mining Initiative)では、一部のセッションについて重要なポイントに絞った簡潔なレポートを提供いたします。なお、セッション動画は後日、Fluxicon社より一般公開されます。

Lufthansa Technik – 部品補修プロセスの改善に活用

Lufthansa Technikは、航空機の整備、補修、オーバホールのサービスを提供しています。同社にとって最も重要な課題は、クライアント(航空会社)から預かった航空機の整備や補修を可能な限り速やかに行うことです。というのも、整備、補修に係る時間がみじかいほど、航空機の運航時間が増え、クライアントの収益向上につながるからです。したがって、Lufthansa Technikにおけるプロセス改善においては、「スピードアップ」が基本戦略です。

さて、プロセスマイニングに取り組む同社が今回、事例として取り上げたのは部品補修(Parts Repair)のプロセスです。プロセスマイニング分析によって発見された業務遂行上の問題点の改善には、リーンマネジメントの考え方がベースにありますが、さらにボトルネックに関しては制約理論(Theory of Constraints)を適用した点が特徴的です。


プロセスマイニング分析結果から、部品補修プロセスの総所要時間(ターンアラウンドタイム、またはスループットと呼ぶ)を長くしている大きなボトルネックは3カ所ありました。すなわち、「検査(Inspection)」、「提案と承認(Proposal and approval)」、「修繕と認証(Repair and certification)」です。

各工程では、大きなユニットの60-80%が処理待ちとなっており、このため6日~12日ほど想定よりも時間が掛かっていました。どれも解決すべきボトルネックではありましたが、どの工程から着手するか、優先順位をつけるために同社では「制約理論(Theory of Constraints)」を適用しました。制約理論は、プロセス改善を目的としてボトルネックの解消に取り組むためのアプローチです。そして、制約理論に基づき、「提案と承認(Proposal and approval)」からボトルネック解消のための施策を開始したのです。

また、プロセスマイニング分析後の改善の取り組みにおいては、「スピードアップ」の基本戦略を踏まえて、ワークショップを開催、「価値提供プロセスマップ(Value Stream Map)」を作成してプロセス課題を抽出、Wiki、Jira、Backlogなどのツールを用いてプロセス改善プロジェクトを推進しました。


First Day of Camp – Lufthansa Technik – Process Mining Camp 2020

プロセスマイニングとタスクマイニングの違い – 早わかり一覧表

difference in Approach between pm and tm

Difference between Process Mining and Task Mining – table for easy understanding.



difference between processmining and taskmining

なお、基本的にどちらも業務プロセスを分析対象としますが、プロセスマイニングがマクロなアプローチ、言い換えると鳥瞰的視点(Bird’s eye view)で業務の流れをざっくり把握するのに対し、タスクマイニングはミクロなアプローチ、すなわち詳細な業務手順を虫メガネで覗くような蟻観(ぎかん)的視点(Ants’ eye view)で把握するという根本的な違いがあり、両者を補完的に活用することが望ましいでしょう。


プロセスマイニングツール評価レポート – NEAT Report:Process Discovery & Mining 2020 (NelsonHall)

NEAT Evaluation Report: Process Discovery & Mining 2020 by NelsonHall

IT、ビジネスサービス業界を対象とする調査分析会社、NelsonHall社が、プロセスマイニング市場の主要ベンダーについての評価レポート(NEAT: NelsonHall Vendor Envaluation & Assessment Tool)を6月2日に公表しました。





2 BusinessOptix

3 Celonis

4 EdgeVerve

5 Kryon

6 Lana Labs,

7 myInvenio

8 NICE Systems

9 Process Diamond

10 QPR Software

11 Signavio

12 Skan

13 Software AG

14 UiPath

15 UpFlux

上記ベンダーのうち、ポジショニングマップのリーダー象限には、Celonis、Software AG、ABBYY、UIPathが位置付けられています。イノベーターには、QPR、Signavio、NICE、ハイアチーバーとしてはmyInvenioが置かれています。


Process Discovery & Mining 2020 NelsonHall NEAT Analysis

Celonis Named a Leader i NelsonHall NEAT Assessment: Process Mining, Process Discovery, Process Automation, Workforce Automation

リリースしました!プロセスマイニング実践入門 – Udemy

introduction to process mining in practice udemy





  • 企業や組織でプロセスマイニングの導入を担当されている方
  • プロセスマイニングの導入を支援されているコンサルタントの方
  • プロセスマイニングのエキスパートを目指したい方


プロセスマイニングの理論的側面ではなく、ビジネスへの応用を成功に導くために役立つ内容になっています。プロセスマイニングの原理を含む包括的なeラーニングコースは、プロセスマイニングのゴッドファーザー、Wil van der Aalst教授がCourseraを通じて2014年から提供されています。




  • プロセスマイニングの基本的な知識が習得できます
  • プロセスマイニングの導入意義を上司など、社内関係者に効果的に伝えることができるようになります(導入担当者)
  • 見込み客に対して、プロセスマイニングの価値を説得力のある形で伝えることができるようになります(プロセスマイニングコンサルタント)


how to cure bad process

How to cure a process with problems
English follows Japanese. Before proofread.







患 者


問 診






診 断







手 術




治 癒




現状把握 - 診断ステージ

問題プロセス - 患者


プロセスセットアップ - 問診


プロセスマイニング - X-ray(レントゲン)


現状プロセス - X-ray写真(レントゲン写真)


問題・課題発見 - 診断


現場インタビュー・観察 - 身体診査



改善活動 - 治療ステージ

改善方針 - 治療方針



改善施策実行 - 手術・医薬品


ゼロベースでプロセスを組みなおすようなBPR(Business Process Re-engineering)は、外科手術にたとえることができるでしょう。マニュアルの業務をRPAのソフトウェアロボットに代替するのは、人工心臓に取り換えるようなものと言えるかもしれません。


改善プロセス ー 治癒



How to cure a process with problems

In this article, I’ll explain the flow of using process mining to improve business processes, contrasting it with the procedure of treatment in a hospital.

Process mining aims to discover various issues and problems hidden in the process by visualizing invisible business processes from the event log data.

In terms of this “visualization of the process”, process mining is often likened to an X-ray. However, just as in the treatment of diseases, the ultimate goal is not the discovery of the lesion (Inefficiencies and bottlenecks) but the implementation of appropriate treatment (improvement measures) and the return to a healthy state, in other words, the realization of an improved “ideal process(to be proess)”.

Let’s start by outlining the flow of medical activities in a hospital. Broadly speaking, there are two stages: the “diagnostic stage” and the “treatment stage”.

●Medical activities

Diagnostic stage


The starting point for treatment is when a patient comes in with some kind of symptom such as fever or cough.

Preliminary interview

First, we will ask questions about the extent of your current symptoms and conduct an interview.


Using an X-ray machine, the area where the lesion is thought to exist will be photographed.

x-ray photograph

The presence of the lesion is confirmed by looking at the X-ray photograph.


From the results of the X-ray photos, you can determine what diseases the patient have.

Physical examination

In addition, various physical exam and tests will be performed to verify the correctness of the above diagnosis.

●Treatment Stage

Treatment policy

The course of treatment is based on the results of the diagnosis and the patient’s wishes. For example, it’s about whether to carry out surgery or how to treat medication.


If it is better to remove the lesion, surgery will be performed.


The treatment is performed by administering medications alone or in conjunction with surgery.


The etiology has been eliminated and the symptoms are gone. Treatment is complete.

Next, we’ll outline the steps to improve business processes along the path of diagnosis and treatment at the above hospital.

●Business Process Improvement

Understanding the current situation – Diagnostic stage

Process with problems – Patient

Select processes that are experiencing problems as phenomena, such as long throughput, high operating costs, customer complaints, etc., as targets for improvement.

Process Setup – Preliminary interview

Basic information related to the process to be improved, such as an overview of the process, the number of processes, and the department or person in charge, will be organized through interviews. If there are any specifications or manuals for the system involved in the process, check them as well.

Process Mining – X-ray

Based on the event log data of the process to be improved, we analyze it using a process mining tool and create a flowchart of the current process.

As is process – X-ray photograph

We analyze the current process from various perspectives, such as frequency and time required.

Problem identification – Diagnosis

Based on the results of the above analysis, we identify the areas that are causing problems or issues as a phenomenon, i.e. inefficient procedures that are taking too long, or bottlenecks that are piling up pending cases.

On-site interview and observation – physical examination

To identify the problem areas, we conduct interviews with the person in charge at the site and conduct observational surveys to identify the root cause.

The root causes of process inefficiencies and bottlenecks are: too many meaningless steps, too many mistakes, too many reworkings, and too few people assigned to deals that need to be done.

Improvement Activities – Treatment Stage

Improvement Policy – Treatment Policy

Once we have identified the various problems and issues related to the process and the root causes of these problems and issues, we plan improvement measures.

As a major improvement policy, it is important to first clarify the objectives, such as reducing throughput, reducing costs, and improving customer satisfaction.

Implementation of improvement measures – Surgery and Medication

There are a variety of options for improvement measures, ranging from major to minor modifications.

BPR (Business Process Re-engineering), which is a zero-based re-engineering of the process, can be compared to surgery. Replacing manual tasks with RPA software robots might be like replacing an artificial heart.

If a small change in procedure could improve the time required, it would be a disease that could be treated with simple medication.

Improved Process (To be process) – Recovery

Once the desired process has been achieved as a result of effective improvement measures, the project is complete.

Just as regular check-ups are necessary in the treatment of a disease, it is important to continuously monitor the target process to ensure that problems do not recur or new problems arise.

プロセス再設計 – 9つの経験則

heuristic process redesign

Heuristic Process Redesign – Basic 9 Approaches
English follows Japanese. Before proofread.





当記事では、具体的な改善施策を検討するために参考になる9つの再設計手法をご紹介します。これら再設計手法はBPM(Business Process Management)において体系化されたものです。過去に数多く実施されたプロセス改善プロジェクトを通じて経験則的に編み出された実践的な手法です。





1 タスク除去



2 タスク結合


3 トリアージュ(区分け)





4 再配列



5 並行処理強化





6 専門化と標準化



7 リソース最適化


8 コミュニケーション最適化


9 自動化


heuristic process redesign

自社のプロセス改善・改革プロジェクト、あるいはDX(Digital Transformation)推進プロジェクトにおいて、個々の問題・課題に対する解決策を導く場合に、まずはこれら9つの経験則が適用できないか検討してみましょう。

なお、冒頭で述べたように、プロセス再設計の経験則は、『Fundamentals of Business Process Management』では29個紹介されています。



Fundamentals of Business Process Management, Second Edition
Marlon Dumas, Marcello La Rosa, Jan Mendling, Hajo A. Reijers

MOOCs – Fundamentals of BPM

Heuristic Process Redesign – Basic 9 Approaches 

Thanks to process mining and task mining, you are able to find inefficient processes and bottlenecks in the process. But that’s not where it’s done, is it?

Needless to say, process mining and task mining make it easy to uncover problems through data analysis, but they don’t tell you how you can solve problems. (It’s plausible that in the future, advanced AI capabilities will be added in process mining tools to hint at ways to improve them.

Therefore, once a problem related to the process has been found, the process mining and task mining are no longer needed for the time being.

What comes into play after finding a problem is problem-solving techniques, including Lean Six Sigma. In those problem-solving methods, you can use various frameworks such as 5WHY and factor analysis (fish bone analysis) to find the root cause behind the problem, and then plan and implement specific improvement measures.

This article introduces nine redesign methods that can be used as a reference to consider specific improvement measures. These redesign methods are systematized in BPM (Business Process Management). This is a practical method that has been developed empirically through numerous process improvement projects that have been implemented in the past.

In fact, there are nearly 30 rules of thumb for process redesign. Of these, the nine methods I’m going to share with you are the most common and most likely to produce improvements.

The nine process redesign methods can be broadly categorized into three levels (task level, flow level) and process level). Each method will be explained at each of the three levels.

TASK Level

This is a change of any kind to the individual tasks (activities) that make up the process.

1 Task Elimination

For those tasks that are taking a long time, it’s important to ask yourself if the task is worth doing in the first place, eliminate it, or reduce the number of times you do it.

For example, if there are three levels of approval tasks and they are formidable, reduce them by one level to two. In the inspection process, the number of inspection tasks could be reduced by a fraction of a percent by changing to a statistical method that only inspects a small portion of randomly selected products, rather than inspecting all products.

2 Task composition (decomposition)

When tasks are subdivided into smaller chunks, or when tasks are passed between multiple departments, the time required is often longer. Therefore, it may be effective to consolidate multiple tasks into a single task, or to consolidate tasks in your own department without passing them on to other departments. (Conversely, multiple tasks can become inefficient when they are combined into a single task. (In that case, it may be useful to break down the task).

3 Triage

In some cases, running sub-processes in a conditional branch may reduce the time required for a process. For example, in the procurement process, a task following the receipt of a purchase application would be to run different processes for amounts over 10 million and below.

Conversely, if the complexity is compounded by too many sub-processes, you may want to consider consolidating some of them.

FLOW level

It’s an improvement method for the order of tasks, not just a single task.

4 Re-sequencing

Re-sequencing is about reviewing the flow of tasks and rearranging them in the order that is most efficient and requires the least amount of work.

For example, if the procurement process includes two approval tasks, A and B, then on average 1% of the A task will be set back and 10% of the B task will be set back. In this case, bringing task B, which has more regressions, before task A will result in a relative decrease in the number of approvals for A, which will be more efficient and reduce the workload overall.

5 Parallelism enhancement

In some processes, where sequential processing is used, where the next task starts only after the previous task is completed, if the process is changed to one where multiple tasks are processed in parallel instead of sequentially, it is expected to reduce the time required for the entire process.

Changing sequential processing tasks to concurrent processing often has a significant effect on throughput reduction.


It is an improvement based on another perspective besides the individual tasks and the order between them.

6 Specialization and standardization

Specialization aims to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction by dividing a process into multiple processes and assigning a person in charge to each sub-process to increase the expertise. For example, it is possible to divide a process into VIPs and general customers and provide a speedy and courteous service process especially for VIPs.

On the contrary, standardization is an attempt to unify multiple processes in the case of the same business because they are separated by product, etc.

7 Resource Optimization

When multiple people are running the same business process, the amount of work is concentrated on a particular person while other people are playing around, or when there is a bottleneck due to the lack of people in charge of the same amount of work, it is necessary to “optimize resources” by devising the assignment of people in charge or reviewing the shifts of people in charge.

8 Communication Optimization

If the process flow is driven by some kind of communication, such as a phone call, fax, or email, you may be able to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction by changing the timing of receiving or processing communication, for example.

9 Automation

For routine tasks where there is a clear set of procedures, automation with RPA can be effective. There are also multiple options for automation, such as developing an application that makes automatic decisions based on the input information.

Let’s first consider whether these nine rules of thumb can be applied to your own process improvement/innovation project or DX (Digital Transformation) promotion project when guiding a solution to an individual problem or issue.

As mentioned at the beginning, 29 rules of thumb for process redesign are presented in the “Fundamentals of Business Process Management”.

In addition, please take a look at the MOOCs (e-learning), which is based on the book, for detailed explanations of the nine process redesign methods introduced in the book.


Fundamentals of Business Process Management, Second Edition
Marlon Dumas, Marcello La Rosa, Jan Mendling, Hajo A. Reijers

MOOCs – Fundamentals of BPM


process mining how to cook

Process Mining: How to Cook
English follows Japanese. Before proofread.





1 食材仕入れ


2 食材


3 下準備


4 調理


5 盛り付け・配膳





1 データ抽出 = 食材仕入れ




2 分析対象データ = 食材



3 データ前処理 = 下準備





4 分析 = 調理




5 レポーティング = 盛り付け・配膳





Process Mining: How to Cook

Process mining is an “analytical method”. The mere introduction of a process mining tool doesn’t start anything. You will need to plan a series of steps as an “analytical project” and manage their execution.

However, if you have not done any research or analysis projects in the past, it does not seem to be easy to understand the steps of an analysis project. Therefore, I would like to explain the flow of process mining analysis by contrasting the flow of cooking.

First, let’s see the flow of the food. The assumed location is the kitchen of a restaurant. The first activity is “purchasing foodstuff” and the last is serving dished-up food to customers’ tables.


1 Purchase of foodstuffs

purchase a variety of food from all over the world through food wholesalers.

2 Foodstuff

The foods to be cooked are now available. Check to see if there are any insects eating or rotting.

3 Precooking

prepare the food by chopping it with a knife or boiling it in a pot of boiling water to remove the bitterness.

4 Cooking

Cooks food using a variety of cooking utensils.

5 dishing-up and serving

dish up cooked foods and serve the finished dishes to the customers.

Role of Master Chef

Note that the role of the master chef is to oversee the entire cooking process of the restaurant.

Next, let’s explain the steps of the process mining analysis, corresponding to the above cooking steps.

process mining procedure

1 Extraction of data = Purchase of foodstuff

extract data from various systems that record and accumulate event logs that are the target data for analysis, such as ERP represented by SAP, CRM systems such as Salesforce, or proprietary business systems.

As a method of data extraction, it is common to extract data directly from a DB by SQL.

Data extraction is basically done by system engineers or system administrators, and when the database structure is complex, such as ERP, it is necessary to determine where the data to be analyzed is located, for example, with the assistance of SAP experts who have good knowledge about SAP.

2 Data to be analyzed = Foodstuff

The data extracted from the system is collectively referred to as the “event log. This is because the history of operations on the system is recorded on an event-by-event basis with a time stamp.

As a data format, it would be easier to pre-process the data in the post-process if it were provided in CSV format. In some cases, the event log may be provided in JSON format and the pre-processing of the event log in JSON format can be a bit cumbersome.

3 Data preparation = Precooking

The event log data extracted from the system is often composed of multiple files, often ten or more. It can be a file that records activity and time stamps, etc., as well as a file that contains the master data.

Basically, all the files must be combined into a single file in order to analyze by a process mining tool. In addition, the original files contain a lot of data that cannot be analyzed as it is, such as garbled parts and empty cells that should have contained some kind of value.

Therefore, it is necessary to remove or adjust for those noisy data, that is, perform data cleaning similar to the removal of unfavorable parts of food. Data preparation is the process of processing the original data into clean data that can be analyzed by a process mining tool

Data preparetaion is done by data scientists who know how to process data to make it clean, using ETL tools, Python, and other tools, languages.

4 Analysis = Cooking

Once the data has been pre-processed and the clean data is ready for analysis, it can finally be fed into process mining tools for various analyses.

The process mining tool is a very versatile tool. It takes some training and experience to become proficient, but it’s fun to visualize business processes as a flowchart from event log data that looks like nothing more than a litany of numbers to uncover inefficiencies and bottlenecks.

Analysis with process mining tools requires tool experts who are familiar with the tools used, but it is the process analyst who gives the analytical perspective on how to do the analysis. The data scientist also has a better understanding of the original data through pre-processing of the data, so they can assist in the analytical work.

5 Reporting = Dishing up and serving

create reports using graphs, tables, etc. on the issues and problems of the target process identified from various analysis results with process mining tools. Since the people receiving the report are not necessarily familiar with data analysis, it is necessary to keep in mind the visual presentation that makes it easy to understand what the issue or problem is.

Ideally, the report should be written by a process analyst, with the assistance of a process consultant with process improvement know-how (Lean, Six Sigma, etc.). It’s also good to have the support of a data scientist or tool expert, as additional analysis may be required.

Role of Project Manager

It is the project manager who correspond to the master chef of the restaurant who runs the entire process mining analysis project. A project manager does not have to be familiar with the entire process. However, you must have a good understanding of each step of the process and above all, you must have the skills to execute the project smoothly.

So far I have used the culinary metaphor to explain the standard procedure for process mining analysis. Each process is a highly challenging one that requires a certain level of skill and experience, so it is necessary for experts in each field to work well together to advance the project.


innovation method portfolio

Innovation method portfolio useful for business innovation

新型コロナにより、社会の在り方が大きく変化しつつあります。厳しい行動制限が解除された後の「Post Corona」の時代においても、私たちは新型コロナと折り合いをつけて生活していかざるを得ないため、「Before Corona」と同じ姿に戻ることはないでしょう。




横軸:内的(Internal)  ⇔ 外的(External)



縦軸:分析的(Analytical) ⇔ 創造的(Creative)





分析的 x 内的

現在のやり方を強化するアプローチです。ここには、TRIZ、制約理論、リーンマネジメント、シックスシグマ、BPR(Business Process Re-engineering)が含まれます。革新(Innovation)というよりは、主に改善(Improvement)のための手法です。現在の業務プロセス、業務内容を把握し、非効率性、ボトルネックなどの問題点を発見し、改善施策を講じます。組織再編も含めた、全社的に根本的な改善を行うのがBPRです。



分析的 x 外的



創造的 x 内的





自社資源に頼らず、新たな方法を創造するアプローチです。SCAMPER 、デザイン思考が含まれます。










From Product Innovation to Organizational Innovation – and what that has to do with Business Process Management, Jan Recker (PDF)

プロセスマイニングツール – 分析目的から機能を整理する

functioanly based on the purpose of analysis

Organizing the functionality of a process mining tool based on the purpose of analysis
English follows Japanese. Before proofread.





1 プロセスフォーカス


2 組織フォーカス




3 シミュレーションフォーカス


4 オペレーションフォーカス



1 プロセスフォーカス

1.1 プロセスのバリエーションがどうなっているか知りたい

    ⇒ バリアント分析

1.2 プロセスを流れていく件数を見たい

    ⇒ 頻度分析機能

1.3 プロセスの所要時間(スループットやアクティビティ間など)を見たい

    ⇒ パフォーマンス分析機能

1.4 標準プロセス(to beプロセス)と比較しての逸脱プロセスを発見したい

    ⇒ 適合性検査機能

1.5 複数のプロセスバリエーションを比較したい

    ⇒ 比較分析機能

1.6 非効率やボトルネックなどの問題が起きている要因を深堀したい

    ⇒ 根本原因分析機能

1.7 KPIの目標値(スループット、処理時間など)とのズレを把握したい

    ⇒ KPI設定機能

1.8 プロセスの分岐(ゲートウェイ)におけるビジネスルールを把握したい

    ⇒ ビジネスルールマイニング機能

1.9 BPMN準拠のモデルを作成したい

    ⇒ BPMNモデル変換機能

    ⇒ BPMNモデル作成・編集機能

2 組織フォーカス

2.1  どの担当者がどのアクティビティを担当しているかを把握したい

    ⇒ アクティビティマップ機能

2.2 各担当者の処理件数や処理時間を算出したい

    ⇒ カスタマイズダッシュボード作成機能

2.3 対象プロセスの中で、担当者同士がどのように関わりあっているかを把握したい

    ⇒ ソーシャルネットワーク機能

3 シミュレーションフォーカス

3.1 プロセスの一部を変更したり、RPA化した場合の効果を検証したい

    ⇒ シミュレーション機能

4 オペレーションフォーカス

4.1 未完了のプロセスについて、あとどのくらいの時間で完了するかを推定したい

    ⇒ 予測分析機能

4.2 未完了のプロセスについて、スループットを短縮するために取るべき手順を推定したい

    ⇒  プロセス推奨機能

4.3 逸脱プロセスが発生した場合にアラートを担当者に出したい

    ⇒  アラート機能



functioanly based on the purpose of analysis

Organizing the functionality of a process mining tool based on the purpose of analysis

Process mining tools that perform analysis based on event logs are basically very versatile and are evolving with new features being added every day. It’s not easy to get an overview of the features of a process mining tool when you’ve just been given a one-size-fits-all explanation or demo.

So, in this article, let’s start with what kind of analysis you want to do, that is, the “purpose of the analysis”, and organize what kind of function it has.

Please note that we have deliberately left out task mining because it is a technologically immature feature and we are focusing on the main features.

Now, there are many ways to analyze using process mining tools, but I would like to divide them into the following four main categories.

1 Process Focus

This is the basic analytical perspective of process mining. The analysis focuses on the flow of the target process.

2 Organizational Focus

The three required data items for process mining analysis are process ID, activity, and time stamp. In addition to these three items, “resource (user in charge)” and “role (department and position)” are typically analyzed as semi-requisite items.

In addition to the process itself, the Organizational Focus analyzes the process from the perspective of the people in charge of executing the process and their departments and positions.

This approach is sometimes referred to as “organizational mining”.

3 Simulation Focus

Literally, it’s an approach to simulating by setting up some parameters.

4 Operational Focus

Process mining analysis is essentially an approach that targets previously completed data, but analyzes currently running and uncompleted processes in real time.

Let’s take a look at the analysis objectives and corresponding functions for each cut.

1 Process Focus

1.1 I want to know what the variations of the process are.

    ⇒ Variant Analysis

1.2 I’d like to see the number of cases flowing through the process.

    ⇒ Frequency analysis function

1.3 I want to see the time required for a process (throughput, lead time between activities, etc.)

    ⇒ Performance analysis function

1.4 I want to Discover deviant processes compared to standard processes (to be processes)

    ⇒ Conformity inspection function

1.5 I want to compare multiple process variations.

    ⇒ Comparative analysis function

1.6 I would like to delve deeper into the causes of the problem regarding inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the process.

    ⇒ Root cause analysis function

1.7 I want to understand the deviation from the KPI target values (throughput, processing time, etc.).

    ⇒ KPI setting function

1.8 I want to understand the business rules in the process branch (gateway).

    ⇒ Business Rule Mining Function

1.9 I want to create a BPMN-compliant model.

    ⇒ BPMN model conversion function

    ⇒ BPMN model creation and editing functions

2 Organizational Focus

2.1 I want to know which person is in charge of which activity.

    ⇒ Activity Map Function

2.2 I want to calculate the number of processes and processing time for each person in charge.

    ⇒ Create customized dashboards

2.3 I would like to understand how those in charge of the process relate to each other in the target process.

    ⇒ Social network function

3. Simulation Focus

3.1 We want to verify the effects of changing a part of the process or implementing RPA.

    ⇒ Simulation function

4 Operational Focus

4.1 I want to estimate how much more time it will take to complete an incomplete process.

    ⇒ Predictive analysis function

4.2 I’d like to estimate the steps to be taken to shorten the throughput of an incomplete process.

    ⇒ Recommended process functions

4.3 I want to send an alert to a person in charge when a deviation process occurs.

    ⇒ Alert function

Above, we have organized the features of the process mining tool according to the purpose of the analysis. Please note that the function names of each tool are different.

When selecting a tool, understand how you want to analyze the process to be analyzed from the perspective of your company, and then confirm whether the candidate tool has any functions.

functioanly based on the purpose of analysis


Introduction to Process Mining (3) Business environments which make process mining
indispensable English follows Japanese. Before proofread.



サービスエコノミー – サービス化









・変動性: 人的な要素が多い場合、サービス提供のクオリティにはばらつきが発生します。人によって良いサービスが提供されたり、逆にひどいサービスが提供されてしまう場合があります。



デジタルエコノミー – デジタル化




まず、外部環境についていえば、「顧客経験(Customer Experience)」、「運用の優秀性(Operational Excellence)」の2つがキーワードとして挙げられます。

顧客経験 Customer Experience




運用の優秀性 オペレーショナル・エクセレンス

優れた顧客経験全体を考える重要性が高まる中で、競合優位性を確立するための基本戦略として重要性が高まってきたのが「運用の優秀性(Operational Excellence)」です。












business environments which make process mining indispensable

Introduction to Process Mining (3) Business environments which make process mining

In this article, I will explain the changes in the business environment in which process mining is becoming more important and indispensable.

First, there are two environmental changes that I would like to list as major trends in society as a whole. It is a “service economy” through servitization, and a “digital economy” through digitalization.

Service Economy – Servitization

Economic development to date has been supported by the mass production and sale of a variety of products, mainly by the manufacturing industry. Excellent products are made in large quantities to lower the unit cost of production and are sold efficiently, mainly through wholesale and retail channels.

The important thing for manufacturers is to develop, manufacture and ship quality products, leaving the process of delivering them to consumers to the distributors. In addition, the products purchased are literally free to be used and consumed by individual households and consumers. The manufacturer was basically not involved in the use and consumption of the product and the disposal process, although it did take care of the breakdown, of course.

However, with the rise and development of various service industries outside of the manufacturing industry, as well as increased competition among manufacturers, more and more companies are offering a combination of services related to their products (e.g., installation of products, insurance, services that provide content that teaches how to use them, etc.). In other words, our approach is to provide a “total solution” that includes a variety of services, rather than a single product as an object. (Incidentally, total solution is called “whole product” in marketing.

Furthermore, it does not sell out the product, but continues to provide value for use. In other words, the form of lending for a monthly or even annual fee has been increasing in recent years. It is a so-called “subscription type”.

This shift in the quid pro quo from product to service is happening in every industry. That’s the progress of the “service economy.

Now, there are four features of the service


The service is not a physical entity.


Services are consumed as soon as they are produced. For example, the services of hair cutting and styling at barber shops and beauty salons are provided to customers in real time.

Variance in Service quality:

The quality of service delivery may vary especially when there are many human factors involved. Some people may provide good service and vice versa, others may provide terrible service.


this is related to the characteristics of intangibility and simultaneity, but services disappear as soon as they are provided.

Of these characteristics, the ones that are relevant to the process are simultaneity and variability. A service is provided in real time, and each time it is provided, there is a high or low level of value or quality of service. Therefore, as a service provider, it is crucial to manage the process properly.

The Digital Economy – Digitalization

The beginning of digitalization was the lifting of the commercial ban on the Internet in 1995. Since then, a variety of services utilizing the Internet have been born one after another. Consumers can now easily use the Internet through mobile phones as well as PCs, making the use of digital devices and services in all aspects of their lives indispensable. Therefore, it can be said that the progress of digitalization has greatly facilitated the transition to services mentioned in the previous section.

In this digital economy, proper management of the processes that deliver value has become a major challenge for companies. A variety of online services are essentially “services” with the four characteristics presented in the previous section, even if they often involve the movement and consumption of products with substance. Therefore, quality control is essential, especially in the difficult situation of simultaneity and variability.

Now, let’s look at the factors that companies need to respond to in the larger macro trend of the service economy due to the increasing use of services and the digital economy due to the increasing use of digital technology.

In terms of the external environment, customer experience and operational excellence are two keywords.

Customer Experience

Customer experience is deeply related to servitization. For manufacturers, it used to be that if you made a good product and sold it, that was the end of it. Little attention was paid to how purchasers would use and consume their products.

However, they began to offer a variety of services to accompany their products, and the number of subscriptions increased. As you sell directly through your own website, it is also important to optimize the buying behavior of your prospects and the process of using and disposing of your products.

It has become necessary not only to design the specifications of the product itself properly, but also to “design the customer experience” to ensure that the customer experience associated with the product, from purchase to disposal, is the best it can be.

Operational Excellence

As the overall customer experience becomes increasingly important to consider, Operational Excellence has become increasingly important as a fundamental strategy for establishing a competitive advantage.

There are three basic strategies for establishing a competitive advantage: product leadership, customer intimacy, and operational excellence. Each company has decided on a strategic direction to focus on based on its own management resources, but the effectiveness of the “product leadership” strategy has declined as it has become increasingly difficult to differentiate the product itself. In addition, customer intimacy, which aims to form an intimate relationship with customers, is no longer sufficiently effective as a point of differentiation due to the progress of digitalization.

However, operational excellence, or “operational excellence,” has a great deal to do with the proper management of processes, but due to the increasing sophistication and complexity of products and services, it is difficult to follow a straight line, and it is easy to see the difference between companies that can do it well and those that cannot. Therefore, in order to establish a competitive advantage, it is necessary to address the operational advantage. What’s more, being able to perform well can lead to increased customer satisfaction and have a positive impact on “customer intimacy”.

Now let’s consider the internal environment. While much of the change in the internal environment of companies and organizations is due to digitalization, let’s list two key words: “process de-visualization” and “digital footprint.

Intangible process

It can be said that the development of digitalization, or the systematization of various types of business operations in companies, began with the emergence of ERP in the 1990s. As mentioned above, after the lifting of the ban on the commercialization of the Internet in 1995, the so-called “Internet Revolution”, business systemization based on Internet technology has progressed. In addition, SaaS, which can avoid huge initial development costs, such as Salesforce.com, has appeared one after another, and the operations of many companies, from large corporations to small and medium-sized enterprises, are being systematized.

The problem is that the systematization of the business has made it impossible to see how the business is done from the outside. When all the employees were in the office and working by paper, phone and fax, it was possible to know who was doing what and how they were doing it, albeit in a sensory way.

Now, however, the phones rarely ring, and employees are working in silence at their computers. When it comes to telecommuting, you can no longer visually see how your work is being done.

In other words, the digitalization of operations has made many of them invisible, making it very difficult for management to properly control progress.

Digital footprint

On the other hand, since most of the business operations have been digitized and systematized, it is possible to record the status of operations on the system exactly as data. It’s called a “digital footprint,” but by capturing, recording, and analyzing each user’s application operation history, whether it’s an application such as ERP or CRM, or office software such as Excel or Powerpoint, it’s possible to “visualize” business processes that have become invisible again.

In other words, process mining, which automatically reproduces business processes based on event logs extracted from business systems, and is useful for continuous business process improvement, has emerged as an indispensable analysis method for corporate and organizational management today and in the future.

business environments which make process mining indispensable

プロセスマイニング実践入門 – Udemy

introduction to process mining in practice udemy

English follows Japanese. Before proofread.



  • 企業や組織でプロセスマイニングの導入を担当されている方
  • プロセスマイニングの導入を支援されているコンサルタントの方
  • プロセスマイニングのエキスパートを目指したい方


プロセスマイニングの理論的側面ではなく、ビジネスへの応用を成功に導くために役立つ内容になっています。プロセスマイニングの原理を含む包括的なeラーニングコースは、プロセスマイニングのゴッドファーザー、Wil van der Aalst教授がCourseraを通じて2014年から提供されています。




  • プロセスマイニングの基本的な知識が習得できます
  • プロセスマイニングの導入意義を上司など、社内関係者に効果的に伝えることができるようになります(導入担当者)
  • 見込み客に対して、プロセスマイニングの価値を説得力のある形で伝えることができるようになります(プロセスマイニングコンサルタント)


  • プロセスマイニングとは?
  • プロセスマイニングの歴史
  • プロセスマイニングを必要とするビジネス環境
  • プロセスマイニングの利点・期待できるリターン
  • 分析可能なプロセス
  • 導入事例
  • プロセスマイニングと関連ソリューション(ETL, RPA, BPMs, DWH/Datalake)
  • イベントログとは?
  • プロセスマイニングアルゴリズムの原理
  • プロセスマイニングの4つのアプローチ
  • プロセス発見
  • 適合性検査
  • プロセス強化
  • 運用サポート
  • プロセスマイニングプロジェクトのマネジメント
  • タスクマイニング
  • プロセスマイニング従事者に必要なスキルセット
  • プロセスマイニングツール


Aalstn e-learning course through Udemy that will teach you the basic knowledge you need to know when implementing process mining, scheduled for early May 2020.

Target participants

  • Person in charge of implementing process mining in a company or organization
  • Consultants who are helping to implement process mining
  • Those who want to become an expert in process mining

Course Features

It’s not about the theoretical aspects of process mining, but more about the content that will help you successfully apply it to your business process improvement.

A comprehensive e-learning course containing process mining principles has been offered since 2014 through Coursera by the godfather of process mining, Professor Wil van der Aalst.

However, this is the world’s first practical introductory course to process mining, as it does not rely on a specific process mining tool and is not yet offered in Japan or the rest of the world as a practical e-learning course focused on business applications to improve business processes.

An English version will be released at a later date.

Benefits for participants

  • You will learn the basics of process mining from practical aspect.
  • You will be able to effectively communicate the necessity of the introduction of process mining to your supervisors and other internal stakeholders(person in charge).
  • You’ll be able to convincingly communicate the value of process mining to your prospects (Process Mining Consultant).


  • What is process mining?
  • History of Process Mining
  • Business environments that make process mining indispensable
  • Benefits and Expected Returns of Process Mining
  • Processes to be analyzed
  • Use cases
  • Process Mining and Related Solutions (ETL, RPA, BPMs, DWH/Datalake)
  • What is the event log?
  • Principles of Process Mining Algorithms
  • Four Approaches to Process Mining
  • process discovery
  • conformance check
  • process enhancement
  • Operational Support
  • How to manage a process mining project
  • Task Mining (Robotic Process Mining)
  • Skill sets required for process mining practitioners
  • process mining tool

  • – What is process mining – History of process mining – Business environments that make process mining indispensable – Benefits and expected returns of process mining – Target processes to be analyzed – Use cases – Process mining and related solutions(ETL, RPA, BPMs, DWH/Datalake) – What is event log – Principle of process mining algorithm – Four approaches of process mining – Process discovery – Conformance checking – Process enhancement – Operational support – How to manage a process mining project – Basics of data preparation – Task mining/Robotic process mining – Necessary skill set for a process miner – Process mining tools

RPD – Robotic Process Discovery – ロボティック・プロセス・ディスカバリとは?

robot working on pc

What is RPD – Robotic Process Discovery?
English follows Japanese. Before proofread.


「タスクマイニング」は、米ITアドバイザリ企業Gartnerが、『Gartner, Market Guide for Process Mining, Marc Kerremans, 17 Jun 2019』において初めて提唱した表現です。すでに、世界各国、また日本でも、「タスクマイニング」は、PC操作ログに基づく「業務可視化」のソリューション全般を含む一般名称として認知されつつあります。

一方、RPDは、2018年に、Marlon Dumas(Tartu大学教授)、Marcello La Rosa(Melbourne大学教授)らがPC操作ログ分析の研究を通じて、ひとつの方法論として提唱したものです。



なお、上記研究者たちは、最近、RPD(Robotic Process Discovery)ではなく、RPM(Robotic Process Mining)と呼び始めているようですが、当記事ではRPDでいきます。

1 PC操作ログの収集・蓄積



2 データの抽出・ノイズフィルタリング


したがって、任意の条件(分析対象期間や分析対象PCなど)に基づいてPC操作ログデータを抽出したら、まずノイズを除去(フィルタリング)する作業を行う必要があります。また、同じアプリなのに記録されたデータ上の表記が若干異なっていると、異なるアプリとして処理されてしまうため、表記を統一したり、また文字化けを修正したりと、ノイズ除去以外に様々なデータ加工を行います。この作業は一般に「データ前処理(Data Preparetion)」と呼ばれています。

3 タスクセグメンテーション




4 タスクシンプリフィケーション




5 自動化候補タスク特定



6 自動化可能な手順発見



7 自動化手順の仕様作成


8 RPAプログラミング


RPD – Robotic Process Discoveryの基本フロー

Basic flow of Robotic Process Discovery





Robotic Process Mining: Vision and Challenges
Volodymyr Leno, Artem Polyvyanyy, Marlon Dumas, Marcello La
Rosa, Fabrizio Maria Maggi

Discovering Automatable Routines From User Interaction Logs
Antonio Bosco, Adriano Augusto, Marlon Dumas, Marcello La Rosa, and
Giancarlo Fortino

AI for Business Process Management From Process Mining to Automated Process Improvement
Marlon Dumas, University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science

What is RPD – Robotic Process Discovery?

Robotic Process Discovery (RPD) is essentially synonymous with “task mining”. That is, it collects and analyzes PC interaction Log, which is the history of the user’s operation of applications and files such as Excel, PowerPoint, and browsers on his or her own PC.

“Task mining” is an expression first proposed by US IT advisory firm Gartner in its report, “Gartner, Market Guide for Process Mining, Marc Kerremans, 17 Jun 2019”. The term “task mining” is already gaining fairly high recognition around the world and in Japan as a general name that includes all solutions for “business visualization” based on PC interaction logs.

“RPD”, on the other hand, is a methodology proposed by Marlon Dumas (Professor at Tartu University) and Marcello La Rosa (Professor at Melbourne University) in 2018 through their research on PC interaction log analysis.

In the case of task mining, it only connotes the big framework of PC interaction log analysis, but RPD shows the basic analysis procedure of PC interaction log mainly for the purpose of “automation of tasks by RPA”.

The following is an overview of how RPD proceeds to analyze the PC interaction log. The references are shown at the end.

Please note that this is a simplified version based on my original understanding. And it should also be noted that the above researchers have recently started to call it RPM (Robotic Process Mining) instead of RPD (Robotic Process Discovery), but I will use RPD in this article.

1 Collection and storage of PC interaction logs

The sensor (a light Javascript program) installed on each PC used by the user to be analyzed detects the user’s detailed activities such as launching applications, opening files, pressing the keyboard, clicking the mouse, etc., and sends the data to a designated server, where it is stored as a PC operation log.

The detailed activity captured by the sensor is called “atomic activity” because it is the smallest unit that cannot be decomposed any further.

2 Data Extraction and Noise Filtering

PC operation logs are very detailed, so called atomic activity. What’s more, there’s a lot of noise in there that can’t be analyzed, such as modified activities due to user error.

Therefore, after extracting PC interaction log data based on some conditions (target period, target PC, etc.), it is necessary to remove (filter) the noise first. In addition, if the notation on the recorded data is slightly different even though it is the same application, it will be processed as a different application, so we can unify the notation, correct garbled characters, and perform various data processing other than noise removal. This work is commonly referred to as “Data Preparation”.

3 Task Segmentation

In RPD, “segmentation” means to isolate a group of tasks from the PC operation log that are assumed to have followed a certain procedure. For example, “Copying and pasting information displayed on the browser screen into an Excel file” is a task to extract a series of tasks to accomplish some purpose, so-called “routine tasks”.

Unlike business systems (e.g., procurement systems) with pre-built business procedures, PC operation has a high degree of freedom for the user, and at a glance, PC operation logs look like they are just moving various applications and files at will, and business procedures are not clear.

Therefore, it is necessary to perform “task segmentation”, that is, to isolate only the data related to a single task from the PC operation log.

4 Task Simplification

The tasks extracted by the segmentation, such as data transcription, still contain some noise. Many of them are caused by user mistakes or parallel operation in other applications, but if you remove these noises, you can clearly understand the steps in each PC operation. The aforementioned example reveals a flow that reveals the following clear steps

Excel File Open (Excel) ⇒ Data Display Screen Access (Browser) ⇒ Data Copy (Browser) ⇒ Paste (Excel) ⇒ Data Display Screen Access (Browser) ⇒ Data Copy (Browser) ⇒ Paste (Excel)…

The finishing touches that make it possible to understand the procedure clearly are called “task simplification”.

5 Identification of candidate tasks which can be automated

From the PC interaction log data extracted for analysis, we were able to isolate multiple tasks through task segmentation and clearly understand the flow of each task through task simplification.

The next step is to consider which of these tasks are suitable for RPA automation and whether they are likely to produce a reasonable effect. At this stage, it is advisable to interview the person in charge in the field who is actually performing the candidate task in detail. (In reality, even the task segmentation and task-simplification stages can be done quickly with the help of field personnel.)

6 Automatable procedure discovery

This is the stage where the scope of automation with RPA is determined. The tasks identified in the previous section as being better suited for automation are not necessarily all automatable from beginning to end.

So, we will further narrow down the steps that can be automated. For example, if the procedure of the automation candidate task identified in the previous section is [A ⇒ B ⇒ C ⇒ D ⇒ E ⇒ F], then only [C ⇒ D ⇒ E ⇒ F] is to be automated (A ⇒ B remains the current one).

7 Create specifications for automation procedures

Once you have narrowed down the steps that can be automated, consider the requirements for the automatic execution of the task by any RPA tool and create a “basic design document” for the programming in the next section.

8 RPA programming

This is to be done on an RPA tool writing an actual automation procedure. After testing in the actual environment and verifying that it works without any problems, the RPA robot is ready to go live.

Although it may not be easy to get an image of the RPD just by explaining it in words, I have explained the general procedure of RPD.

Whateve you call it, RPD, RPM or task mining, the main focus is to develop various improvement measures with the main objective of improving productivity through visualization of operations at each PC. There are a variety of specific improvement measures, but we hope you understand that RPD is an analysis method with the basic purpose of “task automation” in particular.

It should also be emphasized that RPD, or task mining, is most effective when combined with “process mining”, which visualizes business processes across multiple departments.


Robotic Process Mining: Vision and Challenges
Volodymyr Leno, Artem Polyvyanyy, Marlon Dumas, Marcello La
Rosa, Fabrizio Maria Maggi

Discovering Automatable Routines From User Interaction Logs
Antonio Bosco, Adriano Augusto, Marlon Dumas, Marcello La Rosa, and
Giancarlo Fortino

AI for Business Process Management From Process Mining to Automated Process Improvement
Marlon Dumas, University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science

Process Mining in Action: Principles, Use Cases and Outlook

process mining in action

A latest book on process mining is available now.

プロセスマイニングの事例が豊富に掲載されている書籍が2020年3月に発刊されました。タイトルは、『Process Mining in Action, Principles, Use Cases and Outlook』です。邦訳はまだ出ていません。


Part 1 Principles and Value of Process Mining


Part 2 Best Practice Use Case



1 Siemens
2 Uber
4 Athenahealth
5 EDP Comercial
7 Bosch
8 Schukat
9 Siemens Healsthieers
10 Bayer
11 Telekom

Part 3 Outlook: Future of Process Mining

プロセスマイニングのゴッドファーザー、Wil van der Aalst教授の寄稿を含む、プロセスマイニングの今後の展望を語っています。


なお、理論的側面を包括的に理解したい方は、Wil van der Aalst教授の著書、『Process Mining: Data Science in Action』をお読みください!



Required Knowledge to be a Process Miner
English follows Japanese. Before proofread.




  • 業務改革・改善プロジェクトとしてのトータルマネジメント
  • スコーピング(分析計画)の作成
  • 各種システムからのイベントログデータの抽出
  • データ前処理(クリーニング等)
  • プロセスマイニングツールの操作・分析ダッシュボードの作成
  • 根本原因分析と改善策の立案
  • 改善策の展開・定着
  • 改善策施行後の継続的モニタリング・改善体制の確立





1 プロセスマイニングの基本知識


これについては、プロセスマイニングのゴッドファーザー、Wil van der Aalst教授の著作を読めば大丈夫です。

プロセスマイニング Data Science in Action(日本語)


⇒ DXに必須 プロセスマイニング活用入門 ファクトベースの業務改善を実現する(白桃書房)


2 ビジネスアナリシス



⇒ BA(Business Analysis)とは?(IIBA Japan)


3 ビジネスプロセスマネジメント(BPM)




⇒ BPMとは(日本BPM協会)


4 データベース





5 業務システム(ERP、CRM等)




6 ETL & スクリプト(SQL、Pythonなど)






⇒ KNIME(ナイム)


7 ツール操作



8 リーン・シックスシグマ




⇒ シックスシグマとは(シックスシグマオ フィシャルページ)


Experts who are familiar with process mining are called “process miners”.

Process mining itself can be narrowly defined as an “analysis method”, but if it is broadly regarded as the main methodology for business process reform / improvement projects and continuous process improvement, process mining The domains involved are as broad as:

  •     Total management as a business reform / improvement project
  •     Creating scoping (analysis plan)
  •     Extract event log data from various systems
  •     Data preprocessing (cleaning, etc.)
  •     Creation of operation / analysis dashboard for process mining tools
  •     Root cause analysis and improvement plan
  •     Development and establishment of improvement measures
  •     Establish continuous monitoring and improvement system

Of course, it would be difficult for an individual to do all of the above. In reality, a team of data scientists, system administrators, tool operators, business analysts, business consultants, and others with a certain title will work together.

I believe that a process miner, whatever the title, is someone who has the knowledge and experience to derive insights from data analysis related to business processes and lead to improvements.

Therefore, in order to be recognized as a process minor, we believe that it is necessary for each to acquire a wide range of process-related knowledge while possessing special skills.

Here is the knowledge you need to acquire as a process miner.

1. Basic knowledge of process mining

It is desirable to understand the principles and principles of what is process mining in the first place, and what is the basic approach of an algorithm that reproduces a process model from event log data.

I believe that basic knowledge of process mining is a basic subject for everyone involved in process mining.

2 Business analysis

Business analysis is a comprehensive methodology for collecting and analyzing data about various aspects of your business. The main points of business analysis are to understand the current situation as accurately as possible and to clearly identify business issues, leading to superior strategy planning, effective system requirements definition and organizational restructuring.

If you consider process mining as an analysis method, it can be positioned as an analysis method specialized for processes included in business analysis. In a real process mining project or business reform / improvement project, analysis of event log data is not enough.In many cases, peripheral investigation and analysis, interviews for root causes, workshops, etc. are performed. Therefore, it is better to have knowledge of business analysis.

Business analysis knowledge is something that a business analyst, of course, also wants a data scientist to have.

3 Business Process Management (BPM)

Business process management (BPM) literally means controlling business processes appropriately. The purpose is to increase profits, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction through continuous improvement of business processes.

Therefore, BPM develops and organizes various ideas and methods that cover the entire cycle from process development to operation and transformation. Process mining can provide various forms of support such as understanding the current situation based on data, simulating improvement measures, and operational support in each phase of BPM.

Since the ultimate goal of process mining is to reform and improve processes, knowledge of BPM is very important.

Business process management knowledge is a must for business analysts and business consultants involved in process mining.

4 Database

Most of the extraction sources of event logs to be analyzed by the process mining tool are transaction data stored in the database in the business system.

Depending on the system, a function that can download past operation history and transaction history collectively may be implemented, but if not, analyze the structure of the database and determine which table contains the data items required for analysis, You need to consider which data items should be used as keys to connect the related tables, and how to extract the three required items of the event log, that is, matter ID (process ID), activity, and time stamp.

To do this, it is necessary to understand at least the formation of databases, especially relational databases, in addition to understanding business systems such as ERP described below.

Basic knowledge of DB is essential for data scientists, IT managers, and process analysts involved in process mining.

5 Business system (ERP, CRM, etc…)

The processes that are often analyzed in process mining are P2P (Procure-to-Pay), that is, the purchasing process, and O2C (Order-to-Cash), that is, the order receiving process, which are often SAP and Oracle. Is done on the ERP system.

ERP is a business system that covers all corporate activities, so its database structure is complicated and its functions are diverse. Therefore, by understanding the basic architecture of ERP such as SAP and ORACLE, the DB structure, and the relationship between functions, in addition to the basic knowledge of the database, it becomes possible to smoothly perform event log extraction and preprocessing.

ERP knowledge is a must for process mining data scientists, IT managers and business consultants.

6 ETL & Scripts(SQL, Python, etc…)

Data (transaction data) extracted from various systems cannot be uploaded to the process mining tool as it is. It is necessary to process the data into a format that can be analyzed by a process mining tool, and to remove noise and the like to make it a clean file.

This process is called “data preprocessing”, and “ETL” is a useful tool for data preprocessing. I recommend using the open source “KNIME”. However, there are many other tools that have the same functions, so it is fine if you adopt one that is easy for you to use. In any case, if you are in charge of data pre-processing, learning the ETL tool is effective.

Of course, if you are an engineer, you should be able to perform data pre-processing even for scripts that are good at SQL, Python, R, etc. However, the ETL tool has the advantage that it is easy to explain to the stakeholders because the flow of data preprocessing can be shown visually as a “workflow”, that is, a processing procedure.

Some of the process mining tools themselves have a connector function that allows API connection or ODBC connection to various systems and DBs to extract data and perform some preprocessing.

However, if the system is customized or if it is necessary to correct garbled characters or missing data, it will be necessary to process the ETL tool or script separately.

ETL & Scripting is essential knowledge and skills for data scientists and IT managers.

7 Tool operation

The tool operation method differs considerably for each process mining tool, so you have to learn by using the tool that you operated. However, when performing advanced analysis, standard functions often cannot be covered, and dashboards are often customized and various charts are created. In this case, the same approach as BI design (analysis dimension = dimension and aggregation method = measure setting) and SQL-like formulas are required, so it is necessary to learn and adapt accordingly.

8 Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma, which originates from the Toyota Production System, has been adopted by many companies worldwide as an approach to help identify root causes and plan solutions for business process reforms and improvements.

Process mining merely exposes process inefficiencies and bottlenecks as phenomena, does not tell the root cause of why such problems are occurring, and naturally suggests solutions. It doesn’t even give me. (Although it gives us clues)

Therefore, a separate methodology is needed to identify the root cause, plan a solution, prioritize it, and put it into a concrete development plan based on the current situation obtained from various analysis results including process mining.

Lean Six Sigma is essential knowledge and skills for business consultants engaged in process mining.