Organizing the functionality of a process mining tool based on the purpose of analysis
English follows Japanese. Before proofread.
1 プロセスフォーカス
2 組織フォーカス
3 シミュレーションフォーカス
4 オペレーションフォーカス
1 プロセスフォーカス
1.1 プロセスのバリエーションがどうなっているか知りたい
⇒ バリアント分析
1.2 プロセスを流れていく件数を見たい
⇒ 頻度分析機能
1.3 プロセスの所要時間(スループットやアクティビティ間など)を見たい
⇒ パフォーマンス分析機能
1.4 標準プロセス(to beプロセス)と比較しての逸脱プロセスを発見したい
⇒ 適合性検査機能
1.5 複数のプロセスバリエーションを比較したい
⇒ 比較分析機能
1.6 非効率やボトルネックなどの問題が起きている要因を深堀したい
⇒ 根本原因分析機能
1.7 KPIの目標値(スループット、処理時間など)とのズレを把握したい
⇒ KPI設定機能
1.8 プロセスの分岐(ゲートウェイ)におけるビジネスルールを把握したい
⇒ ビジネスルールマイニング機能
1.9 BPMN準拠のモデルを作成したい
⇒ BPMNモデル変換機能
⇒ BPMNモデル作成・編集機能
2 組織フォーカス
2.1 どの担当者がどのアクティビティを担当しているかを把握したい
⇒ アクティビティマップ機能
2.2 各担当者の処理件数や処理時間を算出したい
⇒ カスタマイズダッシュボード作成機能
2.3 対象プロセスの中で、担当者同士がどのように関わりあっているかを把握したい
⇒ ソーシャルネットワーク機能
3 シミュレーションフォーカス
3.1 プロセスの一部を変更したり、RPA化した場合の効果を検証したい
⇒ シミュレーション機能
4 オペレーションフォーカス
4.1 未完了のプロセスについて、あとどのくらいの時間で完了するかを推定したい
⇒ 予測分析機能
4.2 未完了のプロセスについて、スループットを短縮するために取るべき手順を推定したい
⇒ プロセス推奨機能
4.3 逸脱プロセスが発生した場合にアラートを担当者に出したい
⇒ アラート機能

Organizing the functionality of a process mining tool based on the purpose of analysis
Process mining tools that perform analysis based on event logs are basically very versatile and are evolving with new features being added every day. It’s not easy to get an overview of the features of a process mining tool when you’ve just been given a one-size-fits-all explanation or demo.
So, in this article, let’s start with what kind of analysis you want to do, that is, the “purpose of the analysis”, and organize what kind of function it has.
Please note that we have deliberately left out task mining because it is a technologically immature feature and we are focusing on the main features.
Now, there are many ways to analyze using process mining tools, but I would like to divide them into the following four main categories.
1 Process Focus
This is the basic analytical perspective of process mining. The analysis focuses on the flow of the target process.
2 Organizational Focus
The three required data items for process mining analysis are process ID, activity, and time stamp. In addition to these three items, “resource (user in charge)” and “role (department and position)” are typically analyzed as semi-requisite items.
In addition to the process itself, the Organizational Focus analyzes the process from the perspective of the people in charge of executing the process and their departments and positions.
This approach is sometimes referred to as “organizational mining”.
3 Simulation Focus
Literally, it’s an approach to simulating by setting up some parameters.
4 Operational Focus
Process mining analysis is essentially an approach that targets previously completed data, but analyzes currently running and uncompleted processes in real time.
Let’s take a look at the analysis objectives and corresponding functions for each cut.
1 Process Focus
1.1 I want to know what the variations of the process are.
⇒ Variant Analysis
1.2 I’d like to see the number of cases flowing through the process.
⇒ Frequency analysis function
1.3 I want to see the time required for a process (throughput, lead time between activities, etc.)
⇒ Performance analysis function
1.4 I want to Discover deviant processes compared to standard processes (to be processes)
⇒ Conformity inspection function
1.5 I want to compare multiple process variations.
⇒ Comparative analysis function
1.6 I would like to delve deeper into the causes of the problem regarding inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the process.
⇒ Root cause analysis function
1.7 I want to understand the deviation from the KPI target values (throughput, processing time, etc.).
⇒ KPI setting function
1.8 I want to understand the business rules in the process branch (gateway).
⇒ Business Rule Mining Function
1.9 I want to create a BPMN-compliant model.
⇒ BPMN model conversion function
⇒ BPMN model creation and editing functions
2 Organizational Focus
2.1 I want to know which person is in charge of which activity.
⇒ Activity Map Function
2.2 I want to calculate the number of processes and processing time for each person in charge.
⇒ Create customized dashboards
2.3 I would like to understand how those in charge of the process relate to each other in the target process.
⇒ Social network function
3. Simulation Focus
3.1 We want to verify the effects of changing a part of the process or implementing RPA.
⇒ Simulation function
4 Operational Focus
4.1 I want to estimate how much more time it will take to complete an incomplete process.
⇒ Predictive analysis function
4.2 I’d like to estimate the steps to be taken to shorten the throughput of an incomplete process.
⇒ Recommended process functions
4.3 I want to send an alert to a person in charge when a deviation process occurs.
⇒ Alert function
Above, we have organized the features of the process mining tool according to the purpose of the analysis. Please note that the function names of each tool are different.
When selecting a tool, understand how you want to analyze the process to be analyzed from the perspective of your company, and then confirm whether the candidate tool has any functions.